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License Renewal Guidelines


Licenses can be renewed beginning November 1 and before June 30 of year current license expires.

Each educator is responsible for the design of an Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP), subject to the approval of the Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC). The plan should be based on the needs of the educator, the students, the school and the school district, and be aligned with the professional educator standards adopted by the State Board of Education. In accordance with the approved plan, the educator must complete six semester hours of coursework related to classroom teaching and/or the area of licensure; or 18 continuing education units (CEUs) (180 contact hours) or other equivalent activities related to classroom teaching and/or the area of licensure as approved by the LPDC of the employing school, district or agency since the issuance of the license to be renewed. Coursework, CEUs or other equivalent activities may be combined.

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