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Special Needs Preschool

Northridge Special Needs Preschool

The Northridge Special Needs Preschool

A preschool program for children ages 3 through 5 who have special needs is provided through the Clark County Educational Service Center. Beginning in 1991, Public Law 99-457 required that public school districts provide an educational program for preschoolers who have significant delays or disabilities. The school districts in Clark County and Northridge Local Schools in Montgomery County collaborate to provide the special needs preschool program through the Special Education Consortium.


Children are determined to have a need for special education services based upon an initial Screening and an Evaluation Team Report (ETR). A preschool child with a disability is a child who has one of the following disabilities, as defined in rule 3301-51-01 of the Administrative Code and need special education and related services:

(a) Autism;
(b) Cognitive disability;
(c) Deaf-blindness;
(d) Deafness;
(e) Emotional disturbance;
(f) Hearing impairment;
(g) Multiple disabilities;
(h) Orthopedic impairment;
(i) Other health impairment;
(j) Specific learning impairment;
(k) Speech or language impairment;
(l) Traumatic brain injury;
(m) Visual impairment; or
(n) Development delay.
If children meet eligibility requirements based upon the ETR, an Individual Education Plan (IEP) is written.

Northridge Special Need Preschool Location

One classroom, located at Timberlane Learning Center, serve children in the Northridge school district.

Enrollment of Children Who Are Developing Typically

Children who are developing typically and who do not have a need for special services are invited to enroll and participate in a preschool class on a tuition-based option. The Clark County preschool secretary coordinates this enrollment.


The Northridge Preschool classes are licensed through the Ohio Department of Education. Class size is limited to twelve children in each class with a teacher and a teacher assistant. Up to eight children with an IEP and up to four children who are developing typically can be enrolled in a classroom.

Teacher Certification

Based upon Ohio Department of Education Certification and Licensure requirements, all preschool teachers have ODE Early Education of the Handicapped Certification or Early Childhood Intervention Specialist Licensure, and many of the teachers hold Masters Degrees.

Screening and Evaluation

Children are referred for Screening/Evaluation in two ways:

·Parents call the Northridge School Board Office at (937)278-5885 to schedule a screening for their child, age 3 through 5, at the Northridge Special Needs Preschool location in Timberlane Learning Center. Based upon the screening results, a complete evaluation may be scheduled to determine if a child is in need of special education services.

·Children who have an IFSP through the Early Intervention/Help Me Grow program begin the Transition process, per the State Transition Agreement. The Preschool School Psychologist and Preschool Supervisor from the Clark County Educational Service Center represent the child’s school district at the Transition meeting.

Transition To Kindergarten

By spring of the school year that a child is eligible to attend Kindergarten, a Kindergarten Transition Conference is scheduled with the child’s parents, preschool teacher, and district representatives. The process for Transition assures that an IEP is in place when the child starts Kindergarten if the child continues to be eligible for Special Education Services.

For more information regarding the Northridge School Board Office at 278-5885.

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